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  Recipe Home » Drinks » Grenadine (Pomegranate Syrup)
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  Grenadine (Pomegranate Syrup)
  Category: Drinks
  Author: The Savvybearcat
  Date: 1/1/2007
  Hits: 204
2 Pomegranates, medium-large*
2 1/2 cup Sugar
1/2 cup ;Water
*When choosing pomegranates, reject any with a brownish area on the
blossom end; such discoloration indicates the beginning of spoilage
and off-flavor. Cut pomegranates open crosswise and pry out the
fleshy crimson seeds (the red part is actually the pulpy envelope
around a seed), using the tip of a blunt knife. Be careful not to
include any fragments of the cottony white pulp in which the seeds
are embedded, as it is bitter. You should have about two cups of
seeds. Using a food processor or blender, chop the seeds with the
sugar and water just long enough to make a rough puree. Don't attempt
to make a smooth mixture; it's necessary only to break open the pulpy
membranes. Pour the puree into an earthenware or glass bowl; cover it
with a cloth. Let stand at room temperature for 3 days, stirring it
daily. If the weather is extremely hot, refrigerate the puree after
24 hours. Line a sieve with dampened, very fine nylon net or two
layers of dampened fine cheesecloth and set it over a saucepan of
stainless-steel or other nonreactive material. Filter the pomegranate
syrup into the pot, allowing it to drip without pressing on the pulp.
This will take a few hours; you can speed matters up by tying the
cheesecloth lining of the sieve into a bag and suspending it above
the pot after the initial flow of juice has slowed down. When all the
juice has dripped through, discard the seedy pulp. Bring the syrup to
a bare simmer (180 F) over medium-low heat, then reduce the heat to
very low and scald the syrup, using a candy/jelly thermometer and
watching to be sure you keep the temperature below 200 F, for 3
minutes. Skim off any foam, then funnel the syrup into a sterilized,
dry bottle. Let the syrup cool, then cap or cork the bottle (use a
new cork only) and store it in the refrigerator. To seal the syrup
for pantry storage, funnel it into hot, clean half-pint canning jars.
Seal with new two-piece canning lids according to manufacturer's
directions. Following the method for a boiling-water bath, but
keeping the water at simmering temperature (190 F), process the jars
for 15 minutes. Cool, label, and store. Yield: About 2 cups. Keeps in
either the refrigerator or, after canning, in the pantry for at least
a year.
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