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  Recipe Home » Italian » Delicate Homemade Pasta
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  Delicate Homemade Pasta
  Category: Italian
  Author: The Savvybearcat
  Date: 1/1/2007
  Hits: 492
1 cup Flour, whole wheat pastry
1 cup Flour, unbleached
1 tsp Salt
2 Eggs, large
2 tsp Olive oil
2 tbsp Water, more as necessary
Sift together the flours and salt and pour out on a clean, dry board.
Shape into a mound, then make a well in the center with the "walls"
of the flour even all around. Crack the eggs into the well and add
the oil. Using a fork, mix the flour together with the egg mixture,
keeping the "well" intact by cupping one hand around the wall of
flour while you brush flour from the top of the wall into the well,
incor-porating it into the egg mixture. The mixture of eggs and
flour will get very sticky; keep incorporating flour with the fork
while you con-tinue to confine the flour with your other hand so it
doesn't scatter itself all over the working surface. (You won't be
able to get all the flour incorporated, and some flakes of the
mixture won't be absorbed, but don't be concerned with this small
amount---you'll have plenty of pasta.)

When you have incorporated all the flour you can into the egg mixture,
sprinkle with the water. This may make the mixture sticky. Sprinkle
with a little more flour---just a little---so you can handle the
dough, and mix the dough vigorously with your hands. When the dough
is smooth and elastic, knead it for 5 minutes. Shape the dough into a
ball, wrap it in a damp towel, and let rest for 30 minutes to an hour.

Divide the dough into eight. Roll out as thin as possible---start at
the thickest setting your machine allows, and run each piece through
many times, each time setting the machine one notch thinner. The
dough will shrink back a little, so roll it thinner than you want it.
Run through the cutters, or cut with a knife into the desired shapes,
and place on waxed paper until ready to cook. If storing, allow to
dry and wrap in plastic. Keep in a cool, dry place.
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