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  Filipino Cuisine Tips~ 2 Of 2
  Category: Misc
  Author: The Savvybearcat
  Date: 1/1/2007
  Hits: 203
E-mail dialogue between
Manny Rothstein
Dennis Santiago and
MR> In Traditional Adobo, can the sauce be reduced or thickened and
st MR> be "traditional" (many cooks will adapt these recipes to their
tas MR> but I want to be sure I am posting your authentic recipes as
a sta MR> point).

Actually, no. Not and remain the "traditional" form anyway. I've
personally never seen Filipino cooks tinker with sauce consistency ver
much. There's more experimentation in the area of spice mixtures. As
matter of fact, changing which leafy green vegetable is used in a basi
recipe is used to change the character of the dish. This shouldn't be
surprising when one considers that the Philippines is geographically i
general region of the spice trade. Sauces, meaning manipulations of f
texture, seem to be more of a Western phenomenon.

MR> What is the traditional format of a Filipino dinner - soup,
salad, MR> course or what?).

See above for some of the information. The format of a meal is
basica to put everything on the table at once and have a big free for
all. Me are a time to interact. A period in which the entire family
becomes e in it's enjoyment of another day's survival. The same
atmosphere characterizes parties (fiesta's) where all the food is
laid out buffet style. Each person then chooses what to eat and how
much of each sele to eat from the presentation. [The kids are of
course cautioned not t the desserts until after eating the real food.

Interestingly, like many multi-course European presentations, big Fili
meals tend to stretch out in time as well giving lots of opportunity t
converse. The main difference is that one just keeps going back for
mo when the urge hits then sit down next to someone and chat. More
akin t all day American barbecue.

MR> Are Achute seeds the same as Annato seeds?

I'm not sure.

MR> What is mochiko (powdered rice) like and what does it do (is it a
MR> thickener or flavor agent?).

It's used as a thickening agent. It's optional and was in the recipe
that my mother gave me. She never used it though so as far as my
cook is concerned it might as well not be there. Still, this is one
dish t seems to have a duality of texture preference within the
Filipino community. [One of those, it depends on how mom made it
things.] I included the mochiko for completeness sake.

MR> Can you recommend any common American substitutes for some of the
MR> authentic ingredients, for the sake of people living in parts of
t MR> country without access to Filipino markets?

Probably the best way to explain substitution is as follows:

Ingredient Use Substitute

Tamarind Sour Vitamin C = Lemon Juice

Patis Salt Salt

Ampalaya Bitter beats me?

Everything else is pretty common I think.

MR> I hope I am not being too "nit picky" with these questions. If
you MR> think I am, let me know and I will start posting as is

Not at all. Hope this was what you wanted.

Regards, Dennis

(Note: According to "Stocking Up III", pub. by Rodale Press, mochiko r
flour has a unique property as a sauce or casserole thickener. It does
separate when chilled or frozen. MR)
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