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  Florence Italy Restaurants
  Category: Misc
  Author: The Savvybearcat
  Date: 1/1/2007
  Hits: 201
1 each Text recipe
Here are my favorite places in Florence, city of (imho) great food:

Trattoria Le Mossacce on via del Pronconsolo, 55r (where "r" stands
for the red numbers on the bldgs...as opposed to the black numbers.)
This place is GREAT! It's almost like an Italian diner in that you
can watch the guys cooking your meal. If you know Italian, you won't
even need a menu; the guys just come over and tell you what's
cooking. There's a jug of wine on every table. You just tell the guy
at the cash register what you had as you leave.

Trattoria da Benvenuto (via dei Neri, 47r) I had their gnocchi with
tomato/eggplant sauce and was in heaven!

There's also a neat market near the open-air San Lorenzo Market. It's
a gorgeous old wrought-iron building with lots of veggies for sale on
the 2nd floor. And here are 2 restaurants I've never been to, but
wanted to:

Trattoria Coco Lezzone (via del Parioncino, 26r, off via Parione) It
always looked wonderful and was highly recommended by locals, as well
as by Let's Go. A friend of mine went there and raved about it.
Let's Go says to get their pasta porcini fresca. (How can you go
wrong with porcini mushrooms?)

Stazione da Zima (via Ghibbelina 70r) Let's Go says: "No Sign.
Healthy food for herbivores. First course choices (L4500) include
house specialties like riso integrale (brown rice) and pasta al
pesto. Stuffed tomatoes provide a satisfying secondo (L5500). They've
also got a great crunchy bulletin board with notices of environmental
activities. [Which reminds me, I've never been to Florence and not
seen students marching in the streets about something. --cb]

And here are a few recommendations for Venice, city of relatively bad
food. The write-ups are from Let's Go, 1993/4:

In the Castello part, I liked one of these two restaurants a lot. (I
didn't mark which one in my book. It's one of those, "I'd recognize
it if I were there" things...pretty sure it's the first one. Another
way to find it is to ask where the gondolier's eat.)

Trattoria Alla Rivetta, Castello, 9625 (tel 528 73 02). Off campo SS.
Filippo e Giacomo which lies just east of p. San Marco -- the
restaurant's squeezed in to the right before the Ponte San Provolo.
One of the only genuine and reasonable places in the area. Open
Tues./Sun. 11am-11pm

Trattoria Chinellato, Castello, 4227 (tel 523 60 25, on calle
Albanesi a few doors down from campo SS. Filippo e Giacomo.
Gregarious proprietor will make you feel right at home. Get your
salivary glands going by peeking through the window first. Open
Wed-Mon., 9-9.

Found this one, but the proprietor was in a bad mood and didn't seem
to be seating tourists for some reason...but it sure smelled good in
there! I'd try it again if I went back. Osteria Al Mascaron,
Castello, 5225 (tel 259 95) on calle longa Santa Maria Formosa, which
runs off campo Santa Maria Formosa, northeast of p. San Marco. The
ultimate in informal osteria eating. Filled with chattering
Venetians taking a wine break or enjoying delicious specialties...
Open mid-Jan to mid-Dec., Mon.-Sat. 10:30am-3pm and 7-10:30pm.

In the Dorsoduro part: Da Silvio, Dorsoduro, 3748 (tel. 520 58 33), on
calle S. Pantalon near the campo of the same name. Delicious fare
served up in the trattoria's garden...Pasta from L3500. Open
Mon.-Sat. 9-3:30 and 5:45-11

Also in Dorsoduro, but didn't get to go in. They were closed each
time I was in the area: Crepizza, Dorsoduro 3757 (tel. 522 91 89), on
calle San Pantalon off calle Crosera across from da Silvio. Look for
the hanging sign. Crepes and pizza served with zeal. Open Wed.-Mon.
noon-2:30pm and 7-10:30pm.

Posted by Cindy_Bloch@transarc.com to the Fatfree Digest [Volume 16
Issue 11] Mar. 15, 1995.

Individual recipes copyrighted by originator. FATFREE Recipe
collections copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1995. Formatted by Sue Smith,
SueSmith9@aol.com using MMCONV. Archived through kindness of Karen
Mintzias, km@salata.com.

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