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  Fresh Tomato Risotto
  Category: Misc
  Author: The Savvybearcat
  Date: 1/1/2007
  Hits: 186
1 medium Onion, chopped
1 tbsp Olive oil
1 tsp Butter
Salt, to taste
6 cup Vegetable broth
2 cup Fresh tomato sauce OR 2 lb ripe tomatoes, 1 tb olive oil & 2-3 clove garlic,chpd
2 cup Arborio rice
3/4 cup Dry white wine
1 tbsp Parsley, fresh, chopped *
1 tbsp Basil, fresh, chopped *
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated


Parmesan cheese
Basil, fresh, slivered
Pine nuts, toasted
* use up to 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs

In a large non-stick saute pan, saute the onion in the olive oil and
butter, with a dash of salt, until it begins to turn golden. In
separate skillets, heat the vegetable broth and the tomato sauce, and
keep them both just below a simmer.

If you are starting with fresh tomatoes: Scald and peel them, and
chop them or process them in a blender for a few seconds. Heat a
tablespoon of olive oil in a non-stick pan, saute the chopped garlic
in it for 2 minutes, then add the tomatoes and cook them down for
about 15 minutes.

Add the rice to the sauteed onion and stir it gently in the pan for
about 2 minutes. Pour in the white wine and stir as it is absorbed.

Add a soup ladle of the heated broth and stir, keeping the mixture
just at a simmer. Keep stirring until the broth is nearly all
absorbed into the rice, then add a ladle of tomato sauce and the
chopped herbs, and stir until that is nearly absorbed. Continue this
way, alternating broth and sauce until the sauce is used up, then
carry on the with broth until the rice is al dente. This process will
take about 25 minutes, and at the end a creamy sauce will form around
the rice grains that are tender but firm.

At the moment the rice is no longer crunchy, stir in a last ladle of
hot broth, and the grated Parmesan cheese, and serve the risotto at
once. Scatter slivered basil and toasted pine nuts over each serving,
and pass additional Parmesan.

Source: "The New Vegetarian Epicure" by Anna Thomas
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