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  Recipe Home » Misc » Docpepr's New World Spamanero Salad
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  Docpepr's New World Spamanero Salad
  Category: Misc
  Author: The Savvybearcat
  Date: 1/1/2007
  Hits: 218
1 each Tin Spam
2 each Eggs, hard-boiled
1/4 small Onion
2 each To 4 Habaneros, de-seeded, de-stemmed, any color or heat, as you like! I use the red for color enhancement


1/4 cup Crushed pineapple
each Salad dressing,
(NOT mayonnaise), or
Aoli, (greek-style garlic/ egg/olive oil mayonnaise)
Chop Spam (after pouring off the slime), onions, eggs and Habaneros
in a blender, food processor, Spam, -uh I mean- Meat grinder. I
recommend fine/puree or when Spam is unrecognizeable.

Mix in the Pineapple (can use small chunks for crunchiness, or sweet
pickle relish for those who don't care for pineapple).

Add Salad Dressing until a smooth consistency is reached (aoli can be
used for those who like a hint of garlic).

Eat as dip, (serves more people), or as a center piece in a bed of
lettuce (serves two Texans)* or perhaps serve with a Tuna Salad
version and see which one receives the greater number of ..umm..

Serves 6-8 (or two Texans*)

Greetings, Chile-Craniates: Dan and Dave Anderson have met the minimum
posting requirement threshold and thus, opened Spamdora's Box. I
would not necessarily say that this pink palate plaster qualifies as
"animals I have et", but rather the Trial by Torture for the
Gastro-Intestinal Team Olympics. I received a few suggestions and
recipe improvements after I posted this originally: Crazy Coyote
recommended Champagne, (not from the Spam Can, but in a more romantic
setting) and a shift to the green-side of the epicurian equation with
the use of the pickle-relish in lieu of the Luau Pineapple approach.
Luis "Burnin' Love" Ayala thought that with a few additional spices,
that it would resemble Mexican Mortadela, and that I should "can it".
I have to agree that anything would improve the ..er.. unique
texture, and await further revisionary opinions from y'all. May the
TCS, the reverends Cardinal Begg and holeyniss Rael, and untold
lurkers of ChileMundo witness that: I hereby submit, for the Spirit
Of the Season, and my remaining 0.39 penance points for mentioning
the _S_ word without a proper Chile fix: (the above recipe).

Bony Appetite Y'all! ;^)

Bob "docpepr" Opersteny
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