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  Recipe Home » Breakfast » Brocoli & Cheese Omlets
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  Brocoli & Cheese Omlets
  Category: Breakfast
  Author: The Savvybearcat
  Date: 1/1/2007
  Hits: 268
8 large Eggs
1/2 cup Water
1/2 tsp Salt
Pepper to taste
1 1/3 cup Shredded Cheddar cheese
2 cup Cooled, cooked broccoli
4 tbsp Margarine or olive oil
1. Whisk eggs, water, salt and pepper until blended. Have your
fillings chopped and at room temperature and your serving plates

2. For each omelet: Heat a 10-inch nonstick skillet until it's good
and hot and a drop of water flicked onto the surfaces bounces. Add 1
tablespoon margarine and tilt pan to coat. Add 1/2 cup egg mixture.
Work your way around the pan, drawing egg from edge to center. Repeat
until egg stops flowing but is still moist on top (egg will cook
thoroughly as omelet is filled and folded.

3. Holding skillet handle in your left hand, pointed at your navel,
put 1/4 the cheese and broccoli on the left half of omelet (lefties
reverse). Fold unfilled side over filling. If omelet tears, don't

4. Holding the skillet handle in the right hand, take a plate with the
other. Invert skillet so omelet falls upside-down onto plate. This way
you'll have a smooth surface on top.

Recipe By : Womans Day, daily recipe
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